Welcome Volunteers

Welcome Volunteers

Check out our upcoming volunteer opportunities below!

Firefly Nights

We have multiple dates, times and positions available for volunteers during the Firefly Season. The event season starts on March 14 and runs every night through April 6th!

CSO members are needed to offer passes at the entrances and at our merch tables. Park volunteers are needed to support the CSO and for many other key positions during the Firefly Season.

For more CSO information, please reach out to us at bluespringcso@gmail.com.

For specific volunteer questions and to sign up for your shifts, please contact Connor and Rachelle via email: Connor.Wagner@floridadep.gov and Rachelle.Sanford@Floridadep.gov.

Thank you very much in advance! These 3 weeks represent the majority of of our Annual Fundraising and we rely on the commitment of every member to ensure it is a SUCCESS!