April 2019 Agenda
Posted by Friends of Blue Spring on
Friends of Blue Spring State Park
April Agenda (4-8-19)
- Review Minutes and Treasurer’s Report
- Debrief Firefly Extravaganza (!!)
- what went well (stickers, parking passes, glow sticks)
- what we can improve (glowtape lighting, dimming security light, tshirts?)
- what do we do with funds? (Ranger Station improvements?)
- Water Festival
- volunteers
- update trifold? (include corporate membership details)
- Penny Press
- not accessible to guests, can we change this?
- Outreach
- Giveaways
- pens
- cling decals for members
- stickers for school kids attending manatee presentations and field trips
- Should we sell t-shirts at off-park events?
- Could we have the Penny Press on Thursby House during peak season?
- Summer members only event
- Summer volunteer events
- Organizing CSO as membership grows
- Elections/Reorganization of Board
- Clearly defined committees, Exec committee roles & responsibilities, etc.
- Create BSSP CSO handbook
- Revisit bylaws
- Extended meeting or get more work done outside of meetings?