April 2019 Agenda

Posted by Friends of Blue Spring on

Friends of Blue Spring State Park

April Agenda (4-8-19)


  1. Review Minutes and Treasurer’s Report


  1. Debrief Firefly Extravaganza (!!)
  2. what went well (stickers, parking passes, glow sticks)
  3. what we can improve (glowtape lighting, dimming security light, tshirts?)
  4. what do we do with funds? (Ranger Station improvements?)


  1. Water Festival
  2. volunteers
  3. update trifold? (include corporate membership details)


  1. Penny Press
  2. not accessible to guests, can we change this?


  1. Outreach
  2. Giveaways
  3. pens
  4. cling decals for members
  5. stickers for school kids attending manatee presentations and field trips
  6. Should we sell t-shirts at off-park events?
  7. Could we have the Penny Press on Thursby House during peak season?
  8. Summer members only event
  9. Summer volunteer events


  1. Organizing CSO as membership grows
  2. Elections/Reorganization of Board
  3. Clearly defined committees, Exec committee roles & responsibilities, etc.
  4. Create BSSP CSO handbook
  5. Revisit bylaws
  6. Extended meeting or get more work done outside of meetings?


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